‘Cobra Kai’s’ Epic Johnny vs. Mike Barnes Fight Is The Most Badass Streaming Moment of 2024

Move over, Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier. Take a hike, Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed. The greatest fight in history now belongs to two men: Johnny Lawrence and Mike Barnes.

Okay, okay, okay, that might be a bit hyperbolic, but the new season of Cobra Kai did give Karate Kid fans a dream bout when two of Daniel’s most notorious tormenters squared off in a badass battle of alphas in Season 6, Episode 4 (“Underdogs”).

How exactly did the man formerly known as “Karate’s Bad Boy” make his way back to the dojo? In an effort to select Miyagi Do’s best fighters for the Sekai Taikai, Daniel has a “bad idea.” Invite “Tournament Terror” Sensei Barnes to select the top six candidates.

This was a brilliant way to utilize Karate Kid III legend Sean Kanan. The loosest of loose cannons, the volatile Barnes is always a “break glass in case of emergency” option.

The battle between Lawrence and Barnes takes place at Mike’s new shop because, as you may remember, Terry Silver burned down Barne’s store in Season 5. Johnny drops by to see if Devon made Mike’s list for the Sekai Taikai. She did not. And after a lot of “lead character energy” posturing, the war of words turns physical.

Johnny: I could teach you a thing or two about power.
Barnes: That’s cute, Johnny. I mean, you know, you’ve got some skills. I’m just built different.
Johnny: Yeah, you’re different. You’re nothing but a goon for hire.
Barnes: Goon for hire? Well, I suppose it’s better than being a creme puff.

That’s the last straw. The two throw identical punches at each other and, to quote another ’80s blockbuster, the heat is on.

Johhny vs Barnes

This isn’t the first time these two karate maestros have come to blows. They had a brief tussle during the Season 5 finale before eventually teaming up (with Chozen) to try to take down Silver. Cobra Kai is littered with epic fight scenes, but the Johnny/Barnes Season 6 brawl is elevated by the omnipresent sense of danger in the form of an active table saw.

Mike Barnes Cobra Kai S6
Photo: Netflix

Barnes gains the upper hand on Johnny and recycles an old chestnut he used on Daniel during their All-Valley Tournament fight. “Your karate’s a joke,” Mike tells Johnny before being interrupted by a kick to the face.

Barnes’ cockiness costing him a fight? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Johnny then uses his Miyagi Do training to defend against a flurry of attacks before roundhouse kicking Barnes through a table. Mike waves the white flag and the two badboys come to something of a truce.

Barnes: Ever since you guys brought karate back into my life, I have been… itching for a fight. I guess I thought it would help me recapture some sense of my power or something.
Johnny: I know how you feel. Just do me a solid. Check that little diary of yours and see if you gave Devon a fair shake.

Looks like the one true bad boy of karate is going to be a great girl dad. Badass. Bring on Part 2.

The first five episodes of Cobra Kai Season 6 are now streaming on Netflix.