There’s a whole lot of potential in Lady Gaga’s Harley Quinn as the fresh-faced entry into this grimy Gotham, but she’s too frequently relegated to the sidelines.
This episode is basically Uncut Gems: Port of Call Pierpoint.
Comparisons between Harper Stern and other great television antiheroes come easy.
Industry's latest jaw-dropping moment naturally goes deeper than you might think.
Less than an hour, actually. Just 51 minutes.
"It's certainly a less impressive fight than Kit Harington is used to in his television career."
Industry is ready for the limelight.
"We wanted something that felt big."
"He's that modern guy who's gone to therapy — but will now manipulate women with therapy chat."
Kit Harrington and Sarah Goldberg join the cast of the sexy, pressure-filled drama.
Industry Season 3 makes a big leap from Mondays to Sundays after House of the Dragon.
Industry is poised to finally take its rightful place as HBO's next smash hit.
In season 2 of Industry, Harper, Yasmin, and the rest of the financial industry young’uns have returned to wage war on each other’s professional standing and personal lives.
Our corporate queen has returned.
Myha’la Herrold stars in an ensemble cast of good-looking college grads hoping to hang on with a prestigious investment bank.
You may not be able to go into the office, but HBO is about to show you what you've been missing.